What is a crime?
A crime is an act which violates the Criminal Code or one of the various
laws designed to regulate the behavior of either individuals or groups. Who are the victims of crime? Every person is a victim of crime. The direct and indirect costs of crime are astronomical. Direct costs may include physical injury to one's self, family, or friends; loss of property; and psychological damage that results from prolonged fear and mistrust. The fear of crime impels increasing numbers of people to uproot and move to new and safer locations, and to avoid using public facilities such as streets, parks, libraries, and public transportation. Millions of dollars are spent annually for alarm systems and other protective devices. Indirect costs include higher consumer prices as businesses pass on their losses from theft, increased insurance premiums, and alarm systems to the consumer. Taxes are increased to pay for an ever growing criminal justice system and to compensate for tax revenues lost due to crime. What can I, as a citizen, do? Citizen participation is one of the most effective tools against crime because the job of stopping burglary, robbery, or sexual assault is impossible for the police to accomplish alone. Informed citizens of a community serve as additional eyes and ears for law enforcement agencies in their communities and informed citizens are also better prepared to help stop criminal activity before it happens. If a citizen is a victim of a crime, and the crime is solved, the citizen can also press charges and be willing to testify in court. This can help to get a criminal off of the streets and keep someone else from being a victim. Below are crime prevention information topics. These topics will provide you with information that will help to deter criminal activity and help you to be safer. Also, there is a form which you can print off and use to create an inventory record of your valuables.